Saturday, February 14, 2015

Users Conference

I was able to go to the annual users conference!
I had just found out I was having twins, was desperately sick, but I knew it was one of the last times I would ever get to go and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I work for a software company that is a software for public safety. We have 600+ Sheriff's, police chiefs, 911 dispatchers, etc etc come in to Salt Lake every fall for a conference.
They go to classes during the day, and we have meals, entertainment, and other activities for the few days there are in town.
Its fun helping with the conference and I will miss it this next coming year!
This year for our evening event we hosted a private showing of the comedian Brian Regan.
While he is incredibly funny, he turned out to be quite a jerk to most of us conference host, and some of our guest that wanted pictures with him.
One of the funny things is, he doesn't like people to eat while he is performing.
ANYONE that knows my Dad, knows that this guy is a sucker for treats! As they were taking away peoples uneaten food due to this comedian that refused to come out until it was cleared my Dad was not having it. He got a napkin and hid all his desserts! So My Dad. I chose a table near the door because I was really starting to get sick.
We also had a wonderful performance from KISS :)

I was super glad to be apart of this last conference (for me), super grateful for nearby restrooms, and a handsome hubby that I got to see in a suite everyday ;)

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