The weekend after her first birthday party we had her birthday party at a park in my neighborhood!
With how big our combined families are with a few of our closest friends, I didn't want to have it at our house.
I REALLY wanted to do a big outdoor movie in our backyard, but I knew Lila wouldn't be able to stay awake for us to wait until the sun went down- and she is kind of an important part of the party!
My amazing friend Lindsey came to help me get everything loaded and set up at the park before our guest arrived!
I had attempted to make Lilas "smash cake". It didn't turn out quite as I had wanted, plus as soon as we got into the summer afternoon, the frosting was MELTING off the cake. Oh well, hopefully she knows its the thought that counts :)
I decided to do a popsicle theme and decorate and serve with popsicles!
Her smash cake didn't turn out, but I also made vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with little popsicle toppers that did turn out!
PS- Thanks to our amazing friend Heidi for taking pictures since I was running around and trying to entertain! She always does a fantastic job.
The cake started melting before our guest even arrived :(
There is a cute little walkway walking back to the pavilion that we had lined with pink and yellow umbrellas!
Lilas year in pictures!
This fun popsicle garland took all of about 2 mintutes of hanging before the boys tore them off and had sword fights! Boys...
And FINALLY, the piñata was finished the day of her party.
I was happy with how it turned out and the kids loved it!
The birthday girl!
She is sure loved!
Our wonderful family enjoying a cold treat on a hot day!
Our friends the Allens! Thanks Linds for all your help setting up!
My beautiful Mother and my terrible looking cake! Cake Time!
I was so excited to see her dig into her cake after her little cupcake we had given her on her actual birthday.
Unfortunately she didnt want anything to do with it.
We had to help her out a little at first :)

Our silly nephews :)
We are as lucky as it comes to be her parents.
Crazy cousins:

Popsicle puzzles and memory game with Grandma.
And then it was time to beat the piñata!
I must say, I thought it would take one wack and that thing was going to crumble, but it actually held up really well! Must have been the 3 cans of glue I used :)
It was so sturdy the adults had a go at it!
We were so luck to have Russ's brother in from Thailand! We were so happy they were able to make it to her birthday party while they were here!
Watching her cousins dig in for candy!
My sister and her husband B- although Lila calls them both "B"
Lilas official, unofficial Godfather Matt & his then finace- now wife!
She I extremely blessed to have so many friends and family that are so supportive of her and love her so much! We are so grateful for everyone that came out and spent the summer evening with us and for all the thoughtful gifts- She is a spoiled girl!
A big homemade card from her cousins!
This girls LOVES books!
I cant believe a year can go so fast :(
We are so lucky to have her as ours. She is a perfect baby in everyway and we couldn't love her more.
Happy birthday Lila girl!
What a fun party! You did such a great job decorating and it looks like it was a blast.