Monday, October 8, 2012

Lonestar- Deer Valley

We had a huge event here in Salt Lake City for all of our customers. We had over 600+ people fly in from all over the US to come to the conference. I stayed down town and had so much fun. Since I live 10 minutes from down town SLC I never have actually stayed downtown. It was great. City Creek really did Salk Lake good. I was right next to City Creek and it gives down town such a fun feel. I love my job!! When I checked into my hotel there was this little present waiting for me. My favorite treats and my favorite drink..Diet Rootbeer.
I especially liked the "MR" Chelsea.
They were LONG ol' hours (Monday I worked from 6:00am- 10:00pm) but I loved spending time with everyone. On the first full day the users were in town we took them up to a private concert in Deer Valley. The things that Lonestar requested for backstage and on stage and everything was crazy. Certain kinds of drinks, and certain kinds of towels and where the towels would be placed etc. It made me think if I was a celebrity what I would want for my room? I decided a whole room full of playful puppies. Not the sleepy lazy ones, but make them playful!! What would you want in your room backstage? We were each assigned to a bus to give all the guests food vouchers, give them details about Utah and Lonestar over the microphone and make it a fun time for them. I thought it was great! Arriving at Deer Valley with my other coworkers:
Unfortunately, when we got up there, it was starting to rain. We were able to hand out 600+ people ponchos so they could enjoy the outdoor concert.
Russ was able to come up and spend some time with me at the concert. It was so fun to have him there. We were able to meet the band before they went on stage.
Right as the concert was starting there was a beautiful sunset.
Anyone that plans an outdoor event knows the risk of mother nature. Unfortunately, when you have a whole group of people already bussed up to the event there isnt a lot you can do with rain.
The lead singer was honestly such a class act. He could see everyone huddled together under the rain and invited everyone on stage to come up and out of the rain! Everyone had a fantastic time and he basically just sang while taking pictures with everyone for 2 hours!
I have a whole new respect for them! After the concert they were out signing autographs and almost of the buses had already left to go back to the hotel downtown and I was on the last bus waiting for our customers to finish up with the band and bring the last of the group home. As I was rounding everyone up the lead singer came around the corner and I was able to thank him and talk to him for a bit. Literally the coolest guys! He said they had never done that in a concert before and it was fun for them too! They were great sports, the music was awesome and it was all around a fun night!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun concert that turned out to be! I've never heard anything like it. So fun you got to meet and chat with them in person!
