Monday, September 30, 2013


I was super worried when I was pregnant that we wouldn't be spontaneous anymore.
I loved how we would think of something to do and just do it!
Russ had to work in Logan for a few days and asked if we wanted to join him!
I didn't know what I would do with a newborn in a hotel room all day and then I thought...the same thing I do at home!!
So we packed up and headed out the door.
Even though its only 2 hours away, we still had to stop for me to feed the babe.
Russ conveniently found a place to pull over at a elk farm.
And also just a head of a hitch hiker.
As he got out to look at all the elk I was on high alert thinking a hitch hiker was going to jump in the back with me nursing the baby.
This guy and his obsession with hunting.
How cute is this little chin?! She loves staring at this toy as we drive.

I love Logan for many reasons. Lots of fun memories from college and of course that's where Russ and I met 10 years ago!!
Russ went off to work and I made my first attempt at shopping with a baby.
She did great! Slept the entire time.
When Russ was finished working we drove to Bear Lake for the night.
I was so excited to take her to one of my favorite places in the entire world!!!
It was a little chilly, fall is in the air!
It was so amazing walking down the board walk towards the lake...sun setting, my 2 favorite peeps in my fave place!

And Wala...she is introduced to the lake-while sleeping.


We were the only ones on the beach. It was my job to set up the timer and take a family picture.
But I made it for it taking these of Russ on the way back!

He is so sexy.


Thanks for taking your girls to the beach :)
After spending some time at the beach, we had dinner in town and then headed back to Logan.
The next day after he was finished for work, we walked around Campus.
It was fun to reminisce and see how much that place has changed!
He wanted to show her his favorite sculpture on campus.

It was a full moon that night! Instead of waiting until midnight to become true Aggies, we decided since we go way back, we can make up our own rules and kiss at 7 o'clock.
I have tried so hard to keep Lila on a schedule. She has done SO well and has slept through the night since 5 weeks old.
I was worried about her being in a new bed, in a new place that she would break that chain.
She did great! Slept right on through the night all 3 nights.
She even got her own bed.

The next day we came home! I had to make it home for a girls weekend with my mom and sister so I left Russ to finish work and drive home with a coworker.
But look how hot he looks holding baby luggage!

Her first mini vacation was a success. We will keep her.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

2 Months

Crazy how fast time goes!

Today marks 2 months! Crazy to think about.
She is smiles so much at us now, I love it.
Sleep has been our friend at our house and she has slept through the night every night since she was 5 weeks old. She is just like her dad and almost sleeps 8 hours to the minute!
She now follows us as we walk around the room, and has started to grab her blanket and put it next to her face to snuggle and has started to suck on her left hand :)
She can now lift her pointer finger and middle finger on her "lucky" hand! Woo Hoo!! So proud of her.
We love to hear her coo at us and we are lovin' see that chub gather on her legs and cheeks!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wake and Go

If you aren't familiar with a Wake & Go, that is what my dad calls Bed Head.
Our little babe has a serious case of Wake and Go's.
Who would think at less than 2 months old you could have bed head?

The other day after a nap and feeding, I sat her on my lap to burp her.
I would say she has the Wake & Go down pat.
I have a hard time trying to tame this head of hair the babe was blessed with.
I bathed her the other night and decided to maybe slick it town to her head before sleeping.
She is still a newborn after all and not rolling around.
Since she is an AMAZING sleeper and will sleep 8 hrs a night, I was excited to see her the  next morning.
I heard her stirring in her bassinet and walked over pick her up.
I look down...

And I got this beautiful smile as I said "Good Morning!"

So the slicked down method didn't work...but man on man this picture still melts my heart every time I look at it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Date Night

We had our first date night since the baby was born!
It was the longest I had been away from her and although I couldn't believe how much I missed her, it was just what I needed to go out with Russ.
He took me to dinner to get some Southern Food...I love southern food. I could eat salmon and grits, hush puppies and fried green tomatoes all day long.
It was also the day before I was SUPPOSED to go on Weight Watchers. That didn't happen. But I still of course stuffed my face with fried food and scones for dessert.
Russ then took me to get some new running shoes! I love them and am excited to wear them....excited to wear them, not run. Will I ever love to run, Im not so sure.
My mom and I went to pick up some take out one night and my dad watched the babe for a bit.
As I walked out I thought, what a man! He has all 3 of my babies.
If you cant see my third baby, she is hanging out in the bird house.
Thanks Mom and Dad for STILL taking care of my animals. I promise we will finish our fence one day soon.
Speaking of dates..I chaperoned a date with these two crazy cats the other day. As Russ was putting my car seat into my friend Lindsey's car, he looks over at her son and says "What are you intentions with my daughter?"
That guy..funny sense of humor.

They had a great time and I think there will be a second date.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

Its off to work we go..

Moving into a brand new house, the week your baby is due calls for a lot of work to be done post baby!
Russ has been working his guts out trying to put in a yard.
Our animals have been living at my parents house since we don't have grass, fence etc and its killing me. They are my other babies and I hate not having them around...especially Ecko.
My parents have been so kind to take care of them while we are figuring out this whole parenting thing and getting our yard in.
Since we moved further away from our jobs, it obviously takes longer to get there and home. By the time Russ gets done working 9 hours and driving home he doesn't get home until 7-8 and then goes straight out to the yard. He has had a few hiccups along the way but its coming!

Ive been trying to turn the inside into a home in our spare time.
Our walls need some color but I thought Russ was going to lose it when I suggested painting.. Maybe in a few years.
Some of the areas of our house are coming together...

My favorite painting- Reminds me of my Grandma.
Our reading nook in our room.
We need curtains...and some time to read.

The nursery. My awesome Dad came and helped me paint this wall while I was at work before the baby came.
My sister and I had a craft night and made her mobile. She did most of the work, Ill be honest, but I LOVE it. And so does the baby.

Its all slowly coming together and feeling more like a home.
Once we get our animals over it will definitely feel one step closer!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Like Mother Like Daughter

Since having lots and lots of time at home Ive tried really hard to get more into Pinterest.
For some reason Pinterest bugs me and makes me feel overwhelmed.
I love the idea Ive seen on there of taking a picture of Lila every month to see how much she grows.
Since her photo session at the studio didn't go so well I thought I would try and do my own little session on some chairs in our bedroom.


Yeah...I'll leave that to the professionals.
I was trying to get a good photo for her one month picture at least. She was tired of me propping her up, and falling face first into our chair- very tired.
It reminded me of a picture of me taken 29 years ago.
After all the awkward picture taking and yawns, I think it was a success.
On a side note- She slept 7.5 hours last night! Woot Woot.
LOVE her.