Sunday, August 4, 2013

She's here!

All that talk about heartburn being related to babies being born with hair is not true! 
She made it here and oh boy does this little lady have some hair! 
We love here so much already!! 


  1. Oh my what a doll!!! I'm so glad she's here. Can't wait to hear how everything went and what her name is etc! She is beautiful and I can't believe all that hair! So fun. Congrats Chels!

  2. Congratulations!!! She is absolutely adorable! I wish Ryland had gotten blessed with a little bit of her hair - he is pretty bald!

    Yes, we are neighbors! I am the neighborhood west of you off of 300 E. We are in S.C. 1st Ward - what ward are you?

  3. We just heard the news! I had to check the blog to see that beautiful girl. Congratulations!

