Thursday, June 20, 2013

One Month? Gulp..

We have now been moved out of our house for over a month.
I haven't blogged forever because I have no idea where my camera is, and my computers are all packed away.
I had these big plans when I first got pregnant that I was going to document everything, all my feelings, emotionally and physically and take photos of every week of pregnancy.
I haven't made the time (I mostly haven't felt like I had the time, but there is always time right?!) to write down all my feelings, and truthfully, I have never in my life felt more ugly than I do when I pregnant, so I haven't wanted to take pictures.
I have retained SO much water with pregnancy its ridiculous. I currently have my feet propped up at work on a box and can still feel them throb.
We had amazing help with moving out of our little place. I miss it, but am excited for more space! Both sides of our families came out to help. My brother in law has a huge box truck with a lift that was SO helpful.
 It was Mothers Day weekend that we had to be out and I was really sick, and both of our moms were there busting their butts to help us! We were both so grateful for their help and their sacrifice on their special day!

Mama Kemp packing up our living room.
Like I said, I was sick, so when I woke up on Mothers Day, Russ had given me a cook book I really wanted ( 365 days of Slow Cook Meals!) and a wad of cash telling me to go get a pedicure.
I especially love the duct tape touch.
He is too good to me.
On our last day of being at the house and cleaning up and to lock her down forever, I caught Ecko at the front door looking out.
After reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain" I am truly convinced that dogs know more about whats going on than we give them credit for. I like to think she was sitting here reminiscing on her last 6 years of her 7 years of living spent at this house. She sat there forever, it made me happy and sad at all once.
We FINALLY bought a house! After putting in 4 offers and stressing our brains out, we finally got one. And we are glad it all worked out the way it did because we were able to get a brand new home!
We close on Monday and get to start moving in next week...just in time before the baby comes :)

Russ on the walk through taking notes for the builder.
We have been staying at my parents house for the last month. Our animals love it there, and my parents are always so easy to be with. They have made us feel so comfortable there. I was so anxious to get into a house before this baby comes, but now that its time to move out I am kind of sad I wont have her right there when I need advice once Baby Girl is here.
Plus its nice on Sunday dinners not having to drive home.
One night on Sunday dinner my sister in law and I were next to each other and we got this pic with Russ and my brother in law. Can you tell who is who?
Our friends invited us on a much needed get-away to St George. We swam, played games, took walks, ate lots of yummy food, and just chilled. It was exactly what we needed.
Thanks Dave and Linds...sorry I didnt get ANY pictures but of Russ reading a book.
I had to work in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago and we thought it might be the last time we would be able to go on a little vacation before the baby gets here so Russ came along. It was fun! We walked the streets of crazy town, seriously ate way too much food, and watched my feet swell before our very eyes.
We were walking past this fortune teller on the street and we both just kept walking hoping he wouldn't say anything to us and I finally looked over just as we were passing and he had this smile on his face and said, "Its a girl". Now, I realize there is a 50/50 chance he could have gotten that right, but the way he said it freaked us both out.
I fell in love with New Orleans Beignets! Holy cow..I even looked up a Youtube on how to make them. Anyone ever had one?!
So warm and delicious, and Im pretty sure good for you ;)
When we first flew in, Russ informed me he had a list of foods he had to eat while visiting.
One of them was oysters.
He got them, and everything else on his list by the end of the trip. I seriously have no idea how that guy stays so fit the way he eats!
We also went alligator hunting..well not really hunting, just searching.

Eating a hot dog off a stick. I couldnt believe how far these things could come out of the water.
So creepy.
I kept thinking we were going to all sink and be eaten alive, but it was still a cool experience.
We decided to go a little out of the way so Russ could go to Duck Dynasty.
I took this picture with my phone and tried playing with Snapseed and could not figure out that dang app. Somehow I got a picture of us with a green sky..dont know how. But thats that.
As we pulled into Duck Dynasty I warned Russ that we were more than likely not going to see any of the cast but i was still fine with going 2 hours out of our way because he was so excited.
We pulled up and sure enough, there were 3 of the cast members in the parking lot.
I got pictures on our camera, but not on my phone. Russ was so excited and I felt bad for being such a Debby downer and not having faith in the bearded men.
I have been so extremely lucky and have had a few showers thrown from me by friends and family.
I feel so so lucky to have such amazing support in this exciting times in our lives.
I also feel sick that I havent gotten any pictures of these showers because they have all be SO dang cute and fun!
My friends from high school also started a new tradition this year of going to dinner for everyone in our group (there was 11 of us) for their birthdays. Of course not everyone can go each time, but its always fun to get together almost every month and see everyone.
This month, we went to..crap I already cant think of the name of it, but it was fun and delicious- Happy Birthday Tiff! (Kailey, sorry we took the picture after you left). And Rachel, thanks for letting me rest my belly on your back.
Flat Bread...I think the restaurant is called Flat Bread?
My sis in law and I have been pregnant together which has been totally fun! She had her baby a couple weeks ago and we went up that same weekend to meet him and play with their other kids.
They just built a new home in Idaho and it is beautiful! It was so fun to spend time in their new place and play with the kids and love on our new baby nephew.
Side note...they had this baby be a surprise without finding the gender. I think it about drove me nuts waiting to find out what they were having. I wish I had the patience for something fun like that butI honestly could never do it!
Russ practicing with our new nephew!
Look at all that hair.
Anyone else heard that women that have really bad heartburn tend to have babies with lots of hair?!
I am hoping its not true because I have had heartburn 3 months ago and I want a baby with that much hair!
Even though I already knew it, Russ proved that he will be a fantastic dad. He played with my nieces and nephews and made things turning a dirt field into a mini golf course, playing tennis and hanging out by the field as they ran through the sprinklers.
I dont know about you, but I didnt have a cool back yard and huge sprinkler like they do!
After a long day of playing, why not sit on the back deck and have a Popsicle.
We are 5 weeks away from having this baby and I am truly losing my patience. We still need to move into our new place, but I dont know if my feet can get any more swollen.
There are so many fun and exciting things going on in our life right now and I feel so lucky.
I cant wait to see what life will be like in 5 weeks from now, 6 months from now..a year from now.
Everyone always says, "Your life is about to change, and you wont even remember what life was like before". I kind of like my life right now so if it gets better than this I am up for the challenge!


  1. I lived on Tums and Zantac, and Bryn only had a little bit of I think there's still hope for you :-)

    I hope everything goes well with moving into your new house and that the ankles resume their normal shape soon! Good luck with everything!

  2. That is so exciting that you get a brand new house right before having a brand new baby!!! Good luck with the last few weeks! They're always the longest for me. Can't wait to see pictures of the new house and baby!
